Math 1600 Section 1.4 Question 35
\newcommand{\coll}[2]{\bmat{r} #1 \\ #2 \emat}
\newcommand{\colll}[3]{\bmat{r} #1 \\ #2 \\ #3 \emat}
The solutions manual gets (b) and (c) wrong, so I'll give
a sketch of the solution here. Please try to do the problem
on your own before reading the solution (not just for this
problem, but in general).
The check vector for ISBN-10 is $\vc = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]$.
When you transpose two consecutive digits $a$, $b$ in an ISBN-10 code,
the dot product changes by $b - a$. (Convince yourself of this!)
This makes (b) and (c) easy to solve.
Recall that $\vu = [0,8,3,7,0,9,9,0,2,6]$.
(a) The dot product $\vc \cdot \vu = 5 \pmod{11}$, so $\vu$ is not a
valid ISBN-10 code.
(b) We want to transpose two digits of $\vu$ so that the dot product
goes down by 5 or up by 6. So, using the hint, we want consecutive
digits $a$ and $b$ such that $b - a = -5$ or $6$. The only digits
that make this happen are the second and third, since $3 - 8 = -5$.
(c) Choose any invalid ISBN-10 code where there are two pairs of
consecutive digits with the correct difference. For example,
start with $[4,3,2, \ldots]$ and complete it to a code word
where the dot product is 1 modulo 11. Then exchanging either
the 4 and the 3 or the 3 and the 2 will produce a valid code.
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