Presentation topics, Algebraic topology, Math 4152/9052

Each student will give one presentation near the end of the course. All presentations will be done using the blackboard. All students are expected to attend all presentations and to arrive on time.

Possible Topics: These are suggestions, but you can also propose other topics. Topics need to be discussed with me and approved. When you meet with me, I can give more information about the topics and can suggest further references. I will encourage the graduate students to choose slightly more challenging topics.

Duration: 45-55 minutes for grad students, 40-50 for undergrads. The presentations are not long, so you will need to carefully select the appropriate amount of material to present.

Grading: The presentations will be worth 1/3 of the overall mark in the course. They will be graded on:

Note that knowledge of material is just a small part of the grade. The presentation itself is much more important. Because of this, you should practice the talk at least once or twice beforehand, on a blackboard, with someone listening, and you should time how long it takes. This is extremely important. You should also address your presentation to your fellow students, not to me; students in the audience are strongly encouraged to ask questions during and after the talk.


M4152/M9052 home page.