For more information, see the department's research profile and our list of faculty. Please feel free to contact any of us at any time.
Potential graduate students should look at the graduate section of our web site. We have regular graduate courses in algebraic topology and homotopy theory, and frequently have topics courses in subjects such as K-theory, knot theory, non-commutative geometry, etc.
We will be continuing to hire postdocs in homotopy theory. I encourage eligible people to apply for an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, an NSERC Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship (domestic and international applicants eligible), an NSF PDF (e.g. a Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships or a Distinguished International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship), or similar to be held at Western.
We have many seminars and colloquia. The algebra seminar includes a lot of topology, and we also have a geometry and topology seminar.
Dan Christensen: Stable homotopy theory, homotopy type theory, derived categories, model categories, mathematical physics, computation
Graham Denham: Hyperplane arrangements, algebraic and geometric combinatorics
Matthias Franz: Toric geometry and topology, computational algebra
Rick Jardine: Simplicial sheaves and presheaves, etale cohomology and K-theory, cohomology of algebraic groups, motivic homotopy theory
Chris Kapulkin: Higher category theory and homotopy theory, univalent foundations and homotopy type theory, cryptography, formalization of mathematics
Masoud Khalkhali: Algebraic topology, invariant theory, non-commutative geometry
Ján Minác: Bloch-Kato conjecture, quadratic forms, Galois groups and cohomology, Grothendieck's anabelian geometry, zeta functions, analytic pro-p-groups, algebraic K-theory, cohomology of finite p-groups
Martin Pinsonnault: Symplectic geometry and topology, geometric topology